Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Solutions in C++
Number 188
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 28.0%
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2015-03-31class Solution {public:/** profits[trans, day]* - `trans` represents the number of transactions we've done so far. ( 0 <= trans <= k )* - `day` represents the number of days so far. ( 0 <= day <= prices.size() )** So, we have the initialization as below:** profits[0, day] = 0; // 0 <= day <= prices.size()* profits[trans, 0] = 0; // 0 <= trans <= k** And the iteration logic as below:** profits[trans, day] = max (* profits[trans, day-1], // same times transactions, but one days before.* profits[trans-1, i-1] + (prices[day] - prices[i]) // for all of (0 <= i < day )* // this means find max profit from* // previous any of days* )**/int maxProfit(int k, vector<int> &prices) {int ndays = prices.size();// error caseif (ndays<=1) return 0;// Edge case// ---------// if the number of transactions is too many, it means we can make// as many transactions as we can, that brings us the problem back to// Best-Time-To-Buy-And-Sell-Stock-II which can be simply solve in O(n)// by using a greedy approach.if(k > ndays/2){int sum = 0;for (int i=1; i<ndays; i++) {sum += max(prices[i] - prices[i-1], 0);}return sum;}return maxProfit_DP03(k, prices);//8msreturn maxProfit_DP02(k, prices);//8msreturn maxProfit_DP01(k, prices);//492ms}//DP solution - O(kn^2) complexityint maxProfit_DP01 (int k, vector<int> &prices) {int ndays = prices.size();vector< vector<int> > profits(k+1, vector<int>( ndays+1, 0));for(int trans=1; trans<=k; trans++) {for (int day=1; day<=ndays; day++) {int m=0;for (int i=1; i<=day; i++) {m = max(m, profits[trans-1][i-1]+ prices[day-1] - prices[i-1]);}profits[trans][day] = max( profits[trans][day-1], m);}}return profits[k][ndays];}//DP solution - O(kn) complexity//Actually, we could save the loop in above- for(int i=1; i<=day; i++)//Becasue there are so many dupliationsint maxProfit_DP02 (int k, vector<int> &prices) {int ndays = prices.size();vector< vector<int> > profits(k+1, vector<int>( ndays+1, 0));vector<int> m(ndays+1, 0); // tracking the max profits of previous daysfor(int trans=1; trans<=k; trans++) {m[0] = profits[trans-1][0] - prices[0];for (int day=1; day<=ndays; day++) {profits[trans][day] = max( profits[trans][day-1], m[day-1]+prices[day-1]);if (day < ndays) {m[day] = max(m[day-1], profits[trans-1][day] - prices[day]);}}}return profits[k][ndays];}// save the memory, remove the m[ ] arrayint maxProfit_DP03 (int k, vector<int> &prices) {int ndays = prices.size();vector< vector<int> > profits(k+1, vector<int>( ndays+1, 0));for(int trans=1; trans<=k; trans++) {int m = profits[trans-1][0] - prices[0];for (int day=1; day <= ndays; day++) {profits[trans][day] = max(profits[trans][day-1], m + prices[day-1]);if ( day < ndays ) {m = max(m, profits[trans-1][day] - prices[day]);}}}return profits[k][ndays];}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Memory Search/// Time Complexity: O(n*n*k)/// Space Complexity: O(n*k)class Solution {private:int **dp; // dp[i][j], start from day[i],// the most profit to complete at most j transactions.public:int maxProfit(int k, vector<int>& prices) {if(k >= prices.size()/2)return maxProfit(prices);dp = new int*[prices.size()];for(int i = 0 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++){dp[i] = new int[k+1];for(int j = 0 ; j <= k ; j ++)dp[i][j] = -1;}int res = solve(prices, 0, k);for(int i = 0 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++)delete[] dp[i];delete[] dp;return res;}private:int solve(const vector<int>& prices, int startIndex, int left){if(startIndex >= prices.size() || left == 0)return 0;if(dp[startIndex][left] != -1)return dp[startIndex][left];int minPrice = prices[startIndex];int best = 0;for(int i = startIndex + 1 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++)if(prices[i] > minPrice)best = max(best, prices[i] - minPrice + solve(prices, i + 1, left - 1));else{best = max(best, solve(prices, i + 1, left-1));minPrice = prices[i];}return dp[startIndex][left] = best;}int maxProfit(const vector<int>& prices){int res = 0;for(int i = 1 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++)if(prices[i] > prices[i-1])res += (prices[i] - prices[i-1]);return res;}};int main() {int prices1[] = {1, 2};int k1 = 1;vector<int> pricesVec1(prices1, prices1 + sizeof(prices1)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(k1, pricesVec1) << endl;return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Dynamic Programming/// Time Complexity: O(n*n*k)/// Space Complexity: O(n*k)class Solution {public:int maxProfit(int k, vector<int>& prices) {if(k >= prices.size()/2)return maxProfit(prices);// dp[i][j], start from day[i],// the most profit to complete at most j transactions.vector<vector<int>> dp(prices.size()+1, vector<int>(k+1, 0));for(int j = 1 ; j <= k ; j ++){for(int i1 = prices.size()-2 ; i1 >= 0 ; i1 --){dp[i1][j] = dp[i1][j-1];for(int i2 = i1 + 1 ; i2 < prices.size() ; i2 ++){if(prices[i2] - prices[i1] > 0)dp[i1][j] = max(dp[i1][j],prices[i2] - prices[i1] + dp[i2+1][j-1]);dp[i1][j] = max(dp[i1][j], dp[i2][j]);}}}return dp[0][k];}private:int maxProfit(const vector<int>& prices){int res = 0;for(int i = 1 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++)if(prices[i] > prices[i-1])res += (prices[i] - prices[i-1]);return res;}};int main() {int prices1[] = {3, 2, 6, 5, 0, 3};int k1 = 2;vector<int> pricesVec1(prices1, prices1 + sizeof(prices1)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(k1, pricesVec1) << endl;// 7int prices2[] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 9, 7};int k2 = 2;vector<int> pricesVec2(prices2, prices2 + sizeof(prices2)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(k2, pricesVec2) << endl;// 11return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-10-23#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Using hold and cash/// Time Complexity: O(n*k)/// Space Complexity: O(2*k)class Solution {public:int maxProfit(int k, vector<int>& prices) {if(k >= prices.size()/2)return maxProfit(prices);if(k <= 0)return 0;vector<int> hold(k+1, INT_MIN);vector<int> cash(k+1, 0);for(int price: prices)for(int j = k ; j >= 1 ; j --){cash[j] = max(cash[j], hold[j] + price);hold[j] = max(hold[j], cash[j-1] - price);}return cash.back();}private:int maxProfit(const vector<int>& prices){int res = 0;for(int i = 1 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++)if(prices[i] > prices[i-1])res += (prices[i] - prices[i-1]);return res;}};int main() {int prices1[] = {3, 2, 6, 5, 0, 3};int k1 = 2;vector<int> pricesVec1(prices1, prices1 + sizeof(prices1)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(k1, pricesVec1) << endl;// 7int prices2[] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 9, 7};int k2 = 2;vector<int> pricesVec2(prices2, prices2 + sizeof(prices2)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(k2, pricesVec2) << endl;// 11return 0;}