Implement Queue using Stacks Solutions in Go
Number 232
Difficulty Easy
Acceptance 49.7%
Link LeetCode
Go solution by halfrost/LeetCode-Go
package leetcodetype MyQueue struct {Stack *[]intQueue *[]int}/** Initialize your data structure here. */func Constructor232() MyQueue {tmp1, tmp2 := []int{}, []int{}return MyQueue{Stack: &tmp1, Queue: &tmp2}}/** Push element x to the back of queue. */func (this *MyQueue) Push(x int) {*this.Stack = append(*this.Stack, x)}/** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */func (this *MyQueue) Pop() int {if len(*this.Queue) == 0 {this.fromStackToQueue(this.Stack, this.Queue)}popped := (*this.Queue)[len(*this.Queue)-1]*this.Queue = (*this.Queue)[:len(*this.Queue)-1]return popped}/** Get the front element. */func (this *MyQueue) Peek() int {if len(*this.Queue) == 0 {this.fromStackToQueue(this.Stack, this.Queue)}return (*this.Queue)[len(*this.Queue)-1]}/** Returns whether the queue is empty. */func (this *MyQueue) Empty() bool {return len(*this.Stack)+len(*this.Queue) == 0}func (this *MyQueue) fromStackToQueue(s, q *[]int) {for len(*s) > 0 {popped := (*s)[len(*s)-1]*s = (*s)[:len(*s)-1]*q = append(*q, popped)}}