Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Solutions in C++
Number 714
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 54.8%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2019-02-01class Solution {private:int max(int x, int y) {return x > y ? x: y;}int max(int x, int y, int z) {return max(x, max(y,z));}public:int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices, int fee) {return maxProfit_dp03(prices, fee); // 100msreturn maxProfit_dp02(prices, fee); // 100msreturn maxProfit_dp01(prices, fee); // 2700ms}// find the [buy-low, sell-high] prices pairs,// and remove the unnecessary prices.void genPricesPairs(vector<int> &prices, vector< pair<int, int> > &prices_pairs, int fee){int low = -1;for (int i=0; i<prices.size()-1; i++){//meet the valley, then goes upif (prices[i] < prices[i+1] && low < 0 ) {low = i;}//meet the peak, then goes downif (prices[i] > prices[i+1] && low >= 0) {prices_pairs.push_back( make_pair( prices[low], prices[i]) );low = -1; // reset the `low` & `high`}}// edge caseif ( low >= 0 ) {prices_pairs.push_back( make_pair( prices[low], prices[prices.size()-1] ) );}}int maxProfit_dp01(vector<int> &prices, int &fee) {vector< pair<int, int> > prices_pairs;genPricesPairs(prices, prices_pairs, fee);vector<int> dp(prices_pairs.size()+1, 0);for (int i=0; i<prices_pairs.size(); i++) {for ( int j=0; j<=i; j++ ) {int profit = prices_pairs[i].second - prices_pairs[j].first - fee;// if the profit is negative, skip the transactionif ( profit < 0 ) profit = 0;dp[i+1] = max ( dp[i+1], dp[j] + profit);}}return dp[dp.size()-1];}int maxProfit_dp02(vector<int> &prices, int &fee) {vector< pair<int, int> > prices_pairs;genPricesPairs(prices, prices_pairs, fee);if ( prices_pairs.size() < 1 ) return 0;// first - represent the max profit if we buy.// second - represent the max profit if we sell.vector< pair<int,int> > dp(prices_pairs.size() , make_pair(0,0) );//buy profit - if we buy it in day 0, then we got negtive profit.dp[0].first = - prices_pairs[0].first;//sell profit - if we sell it in day 0, then we have the profits// if the profit is negtive, then won't sell it.dp[0].second = max(0, prices_pairs[0].second - prices_pairs[0].first - fee);for (int i=1; i<prices_pairs.size(); i++) {// BUY - we could have three options// 1) hold the stock do nothing. profit = previous day's buy profit// 2) sell & buy. profit = previous sell profit - spent money to buy.// 3) fresh buy, give up the pervious buy, just buy it today.// find the max profit of these 3 options.dp[i].first = max (dp[i-1].first, // option 1) do nothingdp[i-1].second - prices_pairs[i].first, // option 2) sell & buy- prices_pairs[i].first ); // option 3) fresh buy// SELL - we could have three options// 1) hold the stock do nothing. profit = previous day's sell profit// 2) sell it. profit = previous day's buy + today's sell.// 3) sell previous and sell today. profit = previous's sell + today's sell// Find the max profit of these 3 optionsdp[i].second = max(dp[i-1].second,dp[i-1].first + prices_pairs[i].second - fee,dp[i-1].second + prices_pairs[i].second - prices_pairs[i].first - fee );}return max( dp[dp.size()-1].second, 0 );}//// Actually, by given any day, we can have two status:// 1) BUY status - we can have two options at Day X.// i) buy stock - need previous sell status.(you cannot buy if you haven't sold)// ii) do nothing - need previous buy status.//// 2) SELL status - we can have two options at Day X.// i) sell stock - need previous buy status.(you cannot sell if you haven't bought)// ii) do nothing - keep the previous sell status.//// For example://// if we have [1,3,2,8,4,9], fee = 2// then we could have the following BUY & SELL status//// Day One// 1 - BUY: the profit is -1 ,becuase we spent 1 money// SELL: you cannot sell, the profit is 0.// Day Two// 3 - BUY : pre-SELL - 3 = -3, but do nothing has max profit pre-BUY: -1// SELL: pre-BUY + 3 -2 = -1+3-2 = 0 , the max profit: 0// Day Three// 2 - BUY : pre-SELL - 2 = 0 - 2 = -2, do nothing has max profit: -1// SELL: pre-BUY + 2 -2 = -1 + 2 -2 = -1, do nothing has max profit: 0// Day Four// 8 - BUY : pre-SELL - 8 = 0 - 8 = -8, so, just hold, the max buy profit: -1// SELL: pre-BUY + 8 - 2 = -1+8-2 =5, the max profit is 5// Day Five// 4 - BUY : pre-SELL - 4 = 5-4 = 1, do nothing profit is -1, so should buy it.// so, the max buy profit is 1.// SELL: pre-BUY + 4 -2 = -1 + 4 -2= 1, it's has lower profit than previous,// so, we won't sell, the max sell profit is 5.// Day Six// 9 - BUY : pre-SELL - 9 = 5-9= -4, so won't buy, the max buy profit is 1.// SELL: pre-BUY + 9 -2 = 1 + 9 -2 = 8, it's has higher profit. so we sell//// Let's use an table//// prices = 1, 3, 2, 8, 4, 9// max buy profit = -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 5// max sell profit = 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 8//// We can see we keep tracking the max buy and sell profit for everyday.//// buy[i] = max( buy[i-1], // do nothing// sell[i-1] - prices[i] ); // sell in previous day can buy today//// sell[i] = max( sell[i-1], // do nothing// buy[i-1] + prices[i] - fee ); // sell today//int maxProfit_dp03(vector<int> &prices, int &fee) {int buy=-prices[0], sell=0;int pre_buy=0, pre_sell=0;for(auto price: prices) {pre_buy = buy;buy = max (sell - price, pre_buy);pre_sell = sell;sell = max( pre_buy + price - fee, pre_sell);}return sell;}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-10-24#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Using hold and cash to trace the max money in different state/// Time Complexity: O(n)/// Space Complexity: O(1)class Solution {public:int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices, int fee) {if(prices.size() <= 1)return 0;int hold[2] = {-prices[0], 0};int cash[2] = {0, 0};for(int i = 1 ; i < prices.size() ; i ++){hold[i%2] = max(hold[(i-1)%2], cash[(i-1)%2] - prices[i]);cash[i%2] = max(cash[(i-1)%2], hold[(i-1)%2] + prices[i] - fee);}return cash[(prices.size()-1)%2];}};int main() {int prices1[] = {1, 3, 2, 8, 4, 9};int fee1 = 2;vector<int> vec1(prices1, prices1 + sizeof(prices1)/sizeof(int));cout << Solution().maxProfit(vec1, fee1) << endl;return 0;}