Binary Search Tree Iterator Solutions in Go
Number 173
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 56.7%
Link LeetCode
Go solution by halfrost/LeetCode-Go
package leetcodeimport "container/heap"import ("")// TreeNode definetype TreeNode = structures.TreeNode/*** Definition for a binary tree node.* type TreeNode struct {* Val int* Left *TreeNode* Right *TreeNode* }*/// BSTIterator definetype BSTIterator struct {pq PriorityQueueOfIntcount int}// Constructor173 definefunc Constructor173(root *TreeNode) BSTIterator {result, pq := []int{}, PriorityQueueOfInt{}postorder(root, &result)for _, v := range result {heap.Push(&pq, v)}bs := BSTIterator{pq: pq, count: len(result)}return bs}func postorder(root *TreeNode, output *[]int) {if root != nil {postorder(root.Left, output)postorder(root.Right, output)*output = append(*output, root.Val)}}/** @return the next smallest number */func (this *BSTIterator) Next() int {this.count--return heap.Pop(&this.pq).(int)}/** @return whether we have a next smallest number */func (this *BSTIterator) HasNext() bool {return this.count != 0}/*** Your BSTIterator object will be instantiated and called as such:* obj := Constructor(root);* param_1 := obj.Next();* param_2 := obj.HasNext();*/type PriorityQueueOfInt []intfunc (pq PriorityQueueOfInt) Len() int {return len(pq)}func (pq PriorityQueueOfInt) Less(i, j int) bool {return pq[i] < pq[j]}func (pq PriorityQueueOfInt) Swap(i, j int) {pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i]}func (pq *PriorityQueueOfInt) Push(x interface{}) {item := x.(int)*pq = append(*pq, item)}func (pq *PriorityQueueOfInt) Pop() interface{} {n := len(*pq)item := (*pq)[n-1]*pq = (*pq)[:n-1]return item}