Cat and Mouse Solutions in C++
Number 913
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 31.4%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-11-04#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_map>#include <unordered_set>#include <stack>#include <cassert>#include <queue>using namespace std;/// Topological Sorting/// Create the underlying graph and reverse graph explictly////// Time Complexity: O(node * node * 2 * maxdegree)/// Space Complexity: O(node * node * 2)class Solution {private:const int DRAW = 0, HOLE = 0, MOUSE = 1, CAT = 2;public:int catMouseGame(vector<vector<int>>& graph) {int n = graph.size();unordered_map<int, int> dp;unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> g = constructG(graph, dp);unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> rg = reverseG(g);unordered_map<int, int> degree;queue<int> q;for(const pair<int, unordered_set<int>>& p: g){degree[p.first] = p.second.size();if(degree[p.first] == 0)q.push(p.first);}while(!q.empty()){int curkey = q.front();q.pop();int curmouse, curcat, curwho;get(curkey, curmouse, curcat, curwho);assert(dp.count(curkey));if(curmouse == MOUSE && curcat == CAT && curwho == MOUSE)return dp[curkey];for(int prekey: rg[curkey])if(!dp.count(prekey)){int premouse, precat, prewho;get(prekey, premouse, precat, prewho);if(prewho == dp[curkey]){degree[prekey] = 0;dp[prekey] = dp[curkey];q.push(prekey);}else{degree[prekey] --;if(degree[prekey] == 0){int res = 3 - prewho;for(int x: g[prekey]){assert(dp.count(x) && dp[x] != prewho);if(dp[x] == DRAW){res = DRAW;break;}}dp[prekey] = res;q.push(prekey);}}}}return 0;}private:unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> reverseG(const unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>>& g){unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> res;for(const pair<int, unordered_set<int>>& p: g){int u = p.first;for(int v: p.second)res[v].insert(u);}return res;}unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> constructG(const vector<vector<int>>& graph,unordered_map<int, int>& dp){unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> res;unordered_set<int> visited;stack<int> stack;stack.push(key(MOUSE, CAT, MOUSE));visited.insert(key(MOUSE, CAT, MOUSE));while(!stack.empty()){int curkey =;stack.pop();int curmouse, curcat, curwho;get(curkey, curmouse, curcat, curwho);if(curmouse == HOLE){dp[curkey] = MOUSE;res[curkey] = unordered_set<int>();continue;}if(curmouse == curcat){dp[curkey] = CAT;res[curkey] = unordered_set<int>();continue;}if(curwho == MOUSE){for(int x: graph[curmouse]){int nextkey = key(x, curcat, CAT);res[curkey].insert(nextkey);if(!visited.count(nextkey)){visited.insert(nextkey);stack.push(nextkey);}}}else{ // curwho == CATfor(int x: graph[curcat]) if(x){int nextkey = key(curmouse, x, MOUSE);res[curkey].insert(nextkey);if(!visited.count(nextkey)){visited.insert(nextkey);stack.push(nextkey);}}}}return res;}int key(int mousepos, int catpos, int who){return (mousepos * 100 + catpos) * 100 + who;}void get(int key, int& mousepos, int& catpos, int& who){who = key % 100;key /= 100;catpos = key % 100;mousepos = key / 100;}// void printG(const unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>>& g){// for(const pair<int, unordered_set<int>>& p: g){// cout << p.first << " : ";// for(int e: p.second)// cout << e << " ";// cout << endl;// }// cout << "----------" << endl;// }};int main() {vector<vector<int>> g0 = {{2},{2},{0,1}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g0) << endl;// 2// 2-4-3-1// |\ /// 0-5vector<vector<int>> g1 = {{2,5},{3},{0,4,5},{1,4,5},{2,3},{0,2,3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g1) << endl;// 0// 0-2// | |// 4-3 1vector<vector<int>> g2 = {{2,3},{2},{0,1},{0,4},{3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g2) << endl;// 2// 0-2// /|/// 1-4 3vector<vector<int>> g3 = {{2,3,4},{4},{0,3},{0,2},{0,1}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g3) << endl;// 1// 0-2-1// |\|/// 3-4vector<vector<int>> g4 = {{2,3,4},{2,4},{0,1,4},{0,4},{0,1,2,3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g4) << endl;// 2vector<vector<int>> g5 = {{6},{4},{9},{5},{1,5},{3,4,6},{0,5,10},{8,9,10},{7},{2,7},{6,7}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g5) << endl;// 1return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-11-05#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_map>#include <stack>#include <cassert>#include <queue>using namespace std;/// Topological Sorting/// Without Creating the underlying graph and reverse graph explictly/// Much much faster////// BTW: There's a similar challenge in CodeSignal/// This idea can pass it but the previous idea will lead to TLE/// See for more details :-)////// Time Complexity: O(node * node * 2 * maxdegree)/// Space Complexity: O(node * node * 2)class Solution {private:const int DRAW = 0, HOLE = 0, MOUSE = 1, CAT = 2;public:int catMouseGame(vector<vector<int>>& graph) {int n = graph.size();unordered_map<int, int> dp;queue<int> q;for(int i = 1; i < n; i ++)for(int who = 1; who <= 2; who ++){int k = key(0, i, who);dp[k] = MOUSE;q.push(k);k = key(i, i, who);dp[k] = CAT;q.push(k);}unordered_map<int, int> degree;for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++)for(int j = 1; j < n; j ++){degree[key(i, j, MOUSE)] = graph[i].size();degree[key(i, j, CAT)] = graph[j].size();for(int x: graph[j])if(!x) degree[key(i, j, CAT)] --;}while(!q.empty()){int curkey = q.front();q.pop();int curmouse, curcat, curwho;get(curkey, curmouse, curcat, curwho);assert(dp.count(curkey));if(curmouse == MOUSE && curcat == CAT && curwho == MOUSE)return dp[curkey];if(curwho == MOUSE){for(int precat: graph[curcat])if(precat){int prekey = key(curmouse, precat, CAT);if(!dp.count(prekey))process(curkey, prekey, dp, degree, q, graph);}}else{ // curwho == CATfor(int premouse: graph[curmouse])if(premouse != curcat){int prekey = key(premouse, curcat, MOUSE);if(!dp.count(prekey))process(curkey, prekey, dp, degree, q, graph);}}}return 0;}private:void process(int curkey, int prekey, unordered_map<int, int>& dp,unordered_map<int, int>& degree, queue<int>& q,const vector<vector<int>>& graph){int curmouse, curcat, curwho;get(curkey, curmouse, curcat, curwho);int premouse, precat, prewho;get(prekey, premouse, precat, prewho);if(prewho == dp[curkey]){degree[prekey] = 0;dp[prekey] = dp[curkey];q.push(prekey);}else{degree[prekey] --;if(degree[prekey] == 0){int res = 3 - prewho;if(prewho == MOUSE){for(int x: graph[premouse])if(x != curcat){if(dp[key(x, precat, curwho)] == DRAW){res = DRAW;break;}}}else{ // prewho == CATfor(int x: graph[precat])if(x){if(dp[key(premouse, x, curwho)] == DRAW){res = DRAW;break;}}}dp[prekey] = res;q.push(prekey);}}}int key(int mousepos, int catpos, int who){return (mousepos * 100 + catpos) * 100 + who;}void get(int key, int& mousepos, int& catpos, int& who){who = key % 100;key /= 100;catpos = key % 100;mousepos = key / 100;}};int main() {// 2-4-3-1// |\ /// 0-5vector<vector<int>> g1 = {{2,5},{3},{0,4,5},{1,4,5},{2,3},{0,2,3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g1) << endl;// 0// 0-2// | |// 4-3 1vector<vector<int>> g2 = {{2,3},{2},{0,1},{0,4},{3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g2) << endl;// 2// 0-2// /|/// 1-4 3vector<vector<int>> g3 = {{2,3,4},{4},{0,3},{0,2},{0,1}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g3) << endl;// 1// 0-2-1// |\|/// 3-4vector<vector<int>> g4 = {{2,3,4},{2,4},{0,1,4},{0,4},{0,1,2,3}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g4) << endl;// 2vector<vector<int>> g5 = {{6},{4},{9},{5},{1,5},{3,4,6},{0,5,10},{8,9,10},{7},{2,7},{6,7}};cout << Solution().catMouseGame(g5) << endl;// 1return 0;}