Count of Range Sum Solutions in C++
Number 327
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 35.2%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Go
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2016-01-15/** At first of all, we can do preprocess to calculate the prefix sums** S[i] = S(0, i), then S(i, j) = S[j] - S[i].** Note: S(i, j) as the sum of range [i, j) where j exclusive and j > i.** With these prefix sums, it is trivial to see that with O(n^2) time we can find all S(i, j)* in the range [lower, upper]** int countRangeSum(vector<int>& nums, int lower, int upper) {* int n = nums.size();* long[] sums = new long[n + 1];* for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {* sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + nums[i];* }* int ans = 0;* for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {* for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; ++j) {* if (sums[j] - sums[i] >= lower && sums[j] - sums[i] <= upper) {* ans++;* }* }* }* delete []sums;* return ans;* }** The above solution would get time limit error.** Recall `count smaller number after self` where we encountered the problem** count[i] = count of nums[j] - nums[i] < 0 with j > i** Here, after we did the preprocess, we need to solve the problem** count[i] = count of a <= S[j] - S[i] <= b with j > i** In other words, if we maintain the prefix sums sorted, and then are able to find out* - how many of the sums are less than 'lower', say num1,* - how many of the sums are less than 'upper + 1', say num2,* Then 'num2 - num1' is the number of sums that lie within the range of [lower, upper].**/class Node{public:long long val;int cnt; //amount of the nodesNode *left, *right;Node(long long v):val(v), cnt(1), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}};// a tree stores all of prefix sumsclass Tree{public:Tree():root(NULL){ }~Tree() { freeTree(root); }void Insert(long long val) {Insert(root, val);}int LessThan(long long sum, int val) {return LessThan(root, sum, val, 0);}private:Node* root;//general binary search tree insert algorithmvoid Insert(Node* &root, long long val) {if (!root) {root = new Node(val);return;}root->cnt++;if (val < root->val ) {Insert(root->left, val);}else if (val > root->val) {Insert(root->right, val);}}//return how many of the sums less than `val`// - `sum` is the new sums which hasn't been inserted// - `val` is the `lower` or `upper+1`int LessThan(Node* root, long long sum, int val, int res) {if (!root) return res;if ( sum - root->val < val) {//if (sum[j, i] < val), which means all of the right branch must be less than `val`//so we add the amounts of sums in right branch, and keep going the left branch.res += (root->cnt - (root->left ? root->left->cnt : 0) );return LessThan(root->left, sum, val, res);}else if ( sum - root->val > val) {//if (sum[j, i] > val), which means all of left brach must be greater than `val`//so we just keep going the right branch.return LessThan(root->right, sum, val, res);}else {//if (sum[j,i] == val), which means we find the correct place,//so we just return the the amounts of right branch.]return res + (root->right ? root->right->cnt : 0);}}void freeTree(Node* root){if (!root) return;if (root->left) freeTree(root->left);if (root->right) freeTree(root->right);delete root;}};class Solution {public:int countRangeSum(vector<int>& nums, int lower, int upper) {Tree tree;tree.Insert(0);long long sum = 0;int res = 0;for (int n : nums) {sum += n;int lcnt = tree.LessThan(sum, lower);int hcnt = tree.LessThan(sum, upper + 1);res += (hcnt - lcnt);tree.Insert(sum);}return res;}};