Counting Bits Solutions in C++
Number 338
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 69.6%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Go
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2016-05-30class Solution {public:/** Initialization** bits_cnt[0] => 0000 => 0* bits_cnt[1] => 0001 => 1** if the number has 2 bits (2, 3), then we can split the binary to two parts,* 2 = 10 + 0 and 3= 10 + 1, then we can reuse the bits_cnt[0] and bits_cnt[1]** bits_cnt[2] => 0010 => 0010 + 0 => 1 + bits_cnt[0];* bits_cnt[3] => 0011 => 0010 + 1 => 1 + bits_cnt[1];** if the number has 3 bits (4,5,6,7), then we can split the binary to two parts,* 4 = 100 + 0, 5 = 100 + 01, 6= 100 + 10, 7 = 100 +11* then we can reuse the bits_cnt[0] and bits_cnt[1]** bits_cnt[4] => 0110 => 0100 + 00 => 1 + bits_cnt[0];* bits_cnt[5] => 0101 => 0100 + 01 => 1 + bits_cnt[1];* bits_cnt[6] => 0110 => 0100 + 10 => 1 + bits_cnt[2];* bits_cnt[7] => 0111 => 0100 + 11 => 1 + bits_cnt[3];** so, we can have the solution:** bits_cnt[x] = bits_cnt[x & (x-1) ] + 1;**/vector<int> countBits(int num) {vector<int> bits_cnt(num+1, 0);for (int i=1; i<=num; i++) {bits_cnt[i] = bits_cnt[i & (i-1)] + 1;}return bits_cnt;}};