Design Add and Search Words Data Structure Solutions in Go
Number 211
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 38.1%
Link LeetCode
Other languages C++
Go solution by halfrost/LeetCode-Go
package leetcodetype WordDictionary struct {children map[rune]*WordDictionaryisWord bool}/** Initialize your data structure here. */func Constructor211() WordDictionary {return WordDictionary{children: make(map[rune]*WordDictionary)}}/** Adds a word into the data structure. */func (this *WordDictionary) AddWord(word string) {parent := thisfor _, ch := range word {if child, ok := parent.children[ch]; ok {parent = child} else {newChild := &WordDictionary{children: make(map[rune]*WordDictionary)}parent.children[ch] = newChildparent = newChild}}parent.isWord = true}/** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */func (this *WordDictionary) Search(word string) bool {parent := thisfor i, ch := range word {if rune(ch) == '.' {isMatched := falsefor _, v := range parent.children {if v.Search(word[i+1:]) {isMatched = true}}return isMatched} else if _, ok := parent.children[rune(ch)]; !ok {return false}parent = parent.children[rune(ch)]}return len(parent.children) == 0 || parent.isWord}/*** Your WordDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such:* obj := Constructor();* obj.AddWord(word);* param_2 := obj.Search(word);*/