Expression Add Operators Solutions in C++
Number 282
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 35.5%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2016-01-16class Solution {public:vector<string> addOperators(string num, int target) {vector<string> result;if (num.size() == 0) return result;helper(num, target, result, "", 0, 0, 0, ' ');return result;}//DFS algorithmvoid helper(const string &num, const int target, //`num` and `target` never changevector<string>& result, // the array store all of the answersstring solution, //the current potential idx, // the current index of `num` arraylong long val, // the current value we calculated so farlong long prev, // the lastest value we used for calculation, which used for operation prioirty adjustmentchar preop ) // the latest "+" or "-" operation, which used for operation prioirty adjustment{if (target == val && idx == num.size()){result.push_back(solution);return;}if (idx == num.size()) return;string n;long long v=0;for(int i=idx; i<num.size(); i++) {//get rid of the number which start by "0"//e.g. "05" is not the case.if (n=="0") return;n = n + num[i];v = v*10 + num[i]-'0';if (solution.size()==0){// the first time for initializationhelper(num, target, result, n, i+1, v, 0, ' ');}else{// '+' or '-' needn't to adjust the priorityhelper(num, target, result, solution + '+' + n, i+1, val+v, v, '+');helper(num, target, result, solution + '-' + n, i+1, val-v, v, '-');//if we meet multiply operation, we need adjust the calcualtion priority// e.g. if the previous value is calculated by 2+3=5,// then if we need to multipy 4, it is not 5*4, it is 2+3*4=2+12=24// we need be careful about multiply again, such as: 2+3*4*5if (preop=='+') {helper(num, target, result, solution + '*' + n, i+1, (val-prev)+prev*v, prev*v, preop);}else if (preop=='-'){helper(num, target, result, solution + '*' + n, i+1, (val+prev)-prev*v, prev*v, preop);}else {helper(num, target, result, solution + '*' + n, i+1, val*v, v, '*');}}}}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-09-03#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Backtracking to split num and eval/// The eval function comes from Leetcode 227/// Time Complexity: O(n*3^n)/// Space Complexity: O(3^n)class Solution {public:vector<string> addOperators(string num, int target) {if(num == "")return {};vector<string> ret;split(num, 0, target, "", ret);return ret;}private:void split(const string& num, int index, int target, const string& expr,vector<string>& res){if(index == num.size()){if(calculate(expr) == target)res.push_back(expr);return;}int end = num.size();if(num[index] == '0')end = index + 1;for(int i = index; i < end; i ++){int len = (i + 1 - index);if(index + len == num.size())split(num, index + len, target, expr + num.substr(index, len), res);else{split(num, index + len, target, expr + num.substr(index, len) + "+", res);split(num, index + len, target, expr + num.substr(index, len) + "-", res);split(num, index + len, target, expr + num.substr(index, len) + "*", res);}}}long long calculate(const string& s) {vector<long long> nums;vector<char> ops;for(int i = 0; i < s.size() ; ){if(isdigit(s[i])){long long num = s[i] - '0';int j;for(j = i + 1; j < s.size() && isdigit(s[j]); j ++)num = num * 10 + (s[j] - '0');i = j;nums.push_back(num);if(!ops.empty() && (ops.back() == '*' || ops.back() == '/'))calc(nums, ops);}else if(s[i] != ' '){if((s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '-') && !ops.empty() && (ops.back() == '+' || ops.back() == '-'))calc(nums, ops);ops.push_back(s[i++]);}elsei ++;}if(nums.size() != 1){assert(nums.size() == 2);calc(nums, ops);}return nums.back();}void calc(vector<long long>& nums, vector<char>& ops){assert(nums.size() >= 2);long long second = nums.back();nums.pop_back();long long first = nums.back();nums.pop_back();assert(!ops.empty());char op = ops.back();ops.pop_back();switch(op){case '+': nums.push_back(first + second); return;case '-': nums.push_back(first - second); return;case '*': nums.push_back(first * second); return;case '/': nums.push_back(first / second); return;default: assert(false); return;}}};void print_vec(const vector<string>& vec){cout << "[ ";for(const string& e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << "]" << endl;}int main() {string nums1 = "123";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums1, 6)); //2string nums2 = "232";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums2, 8)); // 2string nums3 = "105";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums3, 5)); // 2string nums4 = "00";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums4, 0)); // 3string nums5 = "3456237490";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums5, 9191)); // 0string nums6 = "2147483647";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums6, 2147483647)); // 1string nums7 = "2147483648";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums7, -2147483648)); // 0return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-09-07#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Backtracking to split num and eval/// Evaluate the expression on the fly :)////// Time Complexity: O(3^n)/// Space Complexity: O(3^n)class Solution {public:vector<string> addOperators(string num, int target) {if(num == "")return {};vector<string> ret;split(num, 0, target, "", ' ', -1, 0ll, ret);return ret;}private:void split(const string& num, int index, int target, const string& expr,char lastop, long long pre, long long res, vector<string>& ret){if(index == num.size()){if(res == (long long)target)ret.push_back(expr);return;}int end = num.size();if(num[index] == '0')end = index + 1;for(int i = index + 1; i <= end; i ++){int len = i - index;string cur_num_s = num.substr(index, len);long long cur = atol(cur_num_s.c_str());char next_lastop = ' ';long long next_pre = cur;long long next_res = res;if(expr[expr.size() - 1] == '*' && (lastop == '+' || lastop == '-')){assert(pre != -1);if(lastop == '+')next_res -= pre, next_res += pre * cur;elsenext_res += pre, next_res -= pre * cur;next_pre = pre * cur;next_lastop = lastop;}else if(expr != ""){switch(expr[expr.size() - 1]){case '+': next_res += cur; break;case '-': next_res -= cur; break;case '*': next_res *= cur; break;default:assert(false); break;}next_lastop = expr[expr.size() - 1];}elsenext_res = cur;if(index + len == num.size())split(num, index + len, target, expr + cur_num_s,' ', next_pre, next_res, ret);else{split(num, index + len, target, expr + cur_num_s + "*",next_lastop, next_pre, next_res, ret);split(num, index + len, target, expr + cur_num_s + "+",next_lastop, next_pre, next_res, ret);split(num, index + len, target, expr + cur_num_s + "-",next_lastop, next_pre, next_res, ret);}}}};void print_vec(const vector<string>& vec){cout << "[ ";for(const string& e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << "]" << endl;}int main() {string nums1 = "123";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums1, 6)); //2string nums2 = "232";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums2, 8)); // 2string nums3 = "105";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums3, 5)); // 2string nums4 = "00";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums4, 0)); // 3string nums5 = "3456237490";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums5, 9191)); // 0string nums6 = "2147483647";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums6, 2147483647)); // 1string nums7 = "2147483648";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums7, -2147483648)); // 0string nums8 = "123456789";print_vec(Solution().addOperators(nums8, 45));return 0;}