Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Solutions in C++
Number 34
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 36.2%
Link LeetCode
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2014-06-26#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;int binary_search(int A[], int low, int high, int key);/** O(log n) solution must be something like binary search.** So, we can use the binary search to find the one postion - `pos`** then, we can keep using the binary search find the target in A[0..pos-1] and A[pos+1..n]** The code below is self-explaination*/vector<int> searchRange(int A[], int n, int target) {int pos = binary_search(A, 0, n-1, target);vector<int> v;int low = -1, high = -1;if (pos >=0){low = high = pos;int l = low;do {low = l;l = binary_search(A, 0, low - 1, target);}while (l>=0);int h = high;do {high = h;h = binary_search(A, high + 1, n-1, target);}while (h>=0);}v.push_back(low);v.push_back(high);return v;}int binary_search(int A[], int low, int high, int key){while (low<=high) {int mid = low + (high-low)/2;if (A[mid] == key) {return mid;}if (key > A[mid]) {low = mid + 1;}if (key < A[mid]) {high = mid - 1;}}return -1;}void printVector( vector<int>& pt){cout << "{ ";for(int j=0; j<pt.size(); j++){cout << pt[j] << " ";}cout << "} " << endl;}int main(){const int cnt=6;int a[cnt] ={5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10};vector<int> v;v = searchRange(a, cnt, 8);printVector(v);int b[cnt] ={5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 10};v = searchRange(b, cnt, 5);printVector(v);int c[cnt] ={5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5};v = searchRange(c, cnt, 5);printVector(v);return 0;}
C++ solution by pezy/LeetCode
#include <vector>using std::vector;class Solution {int binarySearch(int A[], int l, int r, int target) {for (int mid; l <= r; ) {mid = ( l + r ) >> 1;if ( A[mid] < target ) l = mid + 1;else if ( A[mid] > target ) r = mid - 1;else return mid;}return -1;}public:vector<int> searchRange(int A[], int n, int target) {int iPos = binarySearch( A, 0, n-1, target ), l = -1, r = -1;if ( iPos != -1 ) {l = r = iPos;for (int lo = l; (lo = binarySearch(A, 0, lo-1, target)) != -1; l = lo ) ;for (int hi = r; (hi = binarySearch(A, hi+1, n-1, target)) != -1; r = hi ) ;}return {l ,r};}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-16#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Linear Scan/// Time Complexity: O(n)/// Space Complexity: O(1)class Solution {public:vector<int> searchRange(vector<int>& nums, int target) {int first = nums.size() + 1, last = -1;for(int i = 0 ; i < nums.size() ; i ++)if(nums[i] == target){first = min(first, i);last = max(last, i);}int res[2] = {first, last};if(first == nums.size() + 1){assert(last == -1);res[0] = res[1] = -1;}return vector<int>(res, res + 2);}};void printVec(const vector<int>& vec){for(int e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << endl;}int main() {int nums[6] = {5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10};int target = 8;vector<int> vec(nums, nums + sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec, target));return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-16#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Using STL lower_bounf and upper_bound/// Time Complexity: O(n)/// Space Complexity: O(1)class Solution {public:vector<int> searchRange(vector<int>& nums, int target) {vector<int>::iterator lowerIter = lower_bound(nums.begin(), nums.end(), target);int first = -1;if(lowerIter != nums.end() && *lowerIter == target)first = lowerIter - nums.begin();vector<int>::iterator upperIter = upper_bound(nums.begin(), nums.end(), target);int last = -1;if(upperIter == nums.end() && nums.size() > 0 && nums.back() == target)last = nums.size() - 1;else if(upperIter != nums.end() && *(upperIter - 1) == target)last = upperIter - nums.begin() - 1;if(first == -1)assert(last == -1);int res[2] = {first, last};return vector<int>(res, res + 2);}};void printVec(const vector<int>& vec){for(int e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << endl;}int main() {int nums1[6] = {5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10};int target1 = 8;vector<int> vec1(nums1, nums1 + sizeof(nums1) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec1, target1));// 3, 4// ---int nums2[1] = {1};int target2 = 0;vector<int> vec2(nums2, nums2 + sizeof(nums2) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec2, target2));// -1, -1// ---int nums3[1] = {1};int target3 = 1;vector<int> vec3(nums3, nums3 + sizeof(nums3) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec3, target3));// 0, 0// ---vector<int> vec4;printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec4, 0));// -1, -1return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-16#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Binary Search/// Time Complexity: O(logn)/// Space Complexity: O(1)class Solution {public:vector<int> searchRange(vector<int>& nums, int target) {int lowerIndex = firstOccurance(nums, target);int first = -1;if(lowerIndex != nums.size() && nums[lowerIndex] == target)first = lowerIndex;// cout << "first = " << first << endl;int upperIndex = lastOccurance(nums, target);int last = -1;if(upperIndex == nums.size() && nums.size() > 0 && nums.back() == target)last = nums.size() - 1;else if(upperIndex != nums.size() && nums[upperIndex - 1] == target)last = upperIndex - 1;// cout << "last = " << last << endl;int res[2] = {first, last};return vector<int>(res, res + 2);}private:// same to lower_boundint firstOccurance(const vector<int>& nums, int target){int l = 0, r = nums.size();while(l != r){int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;if(nums[mid] < target)l = mid + 1;else // nums[mid] >= targetr = mid;}return l;}// same to upper_boundint lastOccurance(const vector<int>& nums, int target){int l = 0, r = nums.size();while(l != r){int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;if(nums[mid] <= target)l = mid + 1;else // nums[mid] > targetr = mid;}return l;}};void printVec(const vector<int>& vec){for(int e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << endl;}int main() {int nums1[6] = {5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10};int target1 = 8;vector<int> vec1(nums1, nums1 + sizeof(nums1) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec1, target1));// 3, 4// ---int nums2[1] = {1};int target2 = 0;vector<int> vec2(nums2, nums2 + sizeof(nums2) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec2, target2));// -1, -1// ---int nums3[1] = {1};int target3 = 1;vector<int> vec3(nums3, nums3 + sizeof(nums3) / sizeof(int));printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec3, target3));// 0, 0// ---vector<int> vec4;printVec(Solution().searchRange(vec4, 0));// -1, -1return 0;}