Flip Equivalent Binary Trees Solutions in Python
Number 951
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 65.8%
Link LeetCode
Other languages C++
Python solution by haoel/leetcode
"""Method 1:naive recursive solution, divide the original problem into four subproblems,time complexity and space complexity are both O(n^2)"""def flipEquiv1(self, root1, root2):if not root1 or not root2:return root1 == root2if root1.val != root2.val:return Falsereturn self.flipEquiv(root1.left, root2.left) and \self.flipEquiv(root1.right, root2.right) or \self.flipEquiv(root1.left, root2.right) and \self.flipEquiv(root1.right, root2.left)"""Method 2:Step 1: first preprocessing these two trees, sort them in the following order:if node.left.val > node.right.val, then swap them, make the smaller one to be left nodeif the left node is None, then also swap them, make the non-None node to be left nodeStep 2: compare the swapped treesAfter preprocessing, the original problem is divided into two subproblems, time complexity: O(n)"""def flipEquiv2(self, root1, root2):def flip(root):if root:if root.left and root.right and root.left.val > root.right.val:root.left, root.right = root.right, root.leftif not root.left:root.left, root.right = root.right, root.leftflip(root.left)flip(root.right)def is_equal(root1, root2):if not root1 or not root2:return root1 == root2return root1.val == root2.val and \is_equal(root1.left, root2.left) and \is_equal(root1.right, root2.right)flip(root1)flip(root2)return is_equal(root1, root2)