Longest Absolute File Path Solutions in C++
Number 388
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 41.8%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-absolute-file-path/// Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2016-08-23class Solution {public:// Solution// --------// We can see the input formation has the order// so, we can maintain an array which states the current level's path length//// For example:// dir// subdir1 <- length[ level1 = len("dir")+len("/"),// level2 = len("dir")+len("/")+len("subdir1")+len("/") ]// file.ext// subdir2// file.ext// subsubdir1 <- length[ level1 = len("dir")+len("/"),// level2 = len("dir")+len("/")+len("subdir2")+len("/"),// level3 = len("dir")+len("/")+len("subdir2")+len("/")+len("subsubdir1")+len("/") ]// file.ext//int lengthLongestPath(string input) {stringstream ss(input);string line;int result = 0;vector<int> length;length.push_back(0); //initialize top dummy level's length is zerowhile (getline(ss, line, '\n')) {//get current level, start from 1int level = 0;while ( line[level++] == '\t'); // get the levelint len = line.size() - level + 1;//if is a file, then cacualte the total length.if (line.find('.') != string::npos) {if ( length[level-1] + len > result ) {result = length[level-1] + len;}} else {if (length.size() <= level) {length.push_back(0);}// if it a folder, then update the current level's lengthlength[level] = length[level-1] + len + 1; // 1 for "/" path delimiter}}return result;}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : https://leetcode.com/contest/warm-up-contest/problems/longest-absolute-file-path//// Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-10-19#include <iostream>#include <stack>#include <cctype>#include <cassert>#include <string>using namespace std;// Using stack to simulate the dfs process// Time Complexity: O(n)// Space Complexity: O(n)class Solution {public:int lengthLongestPath(string input) {//cout << input << endl;int res = 0;int curLength = 0;stack<string> dir;int start = 0;for(int i = 1 ; i <= input.size() ; ){if(i == input.size() || input[i] == '\n'){string curStr = input.substr(start, i-start);//cout << "cur str: " << curStr << endl;int j = start;while(input[j] == '\t')j ++;string curDir = curStr.substr(j-start);int curDepth = j - start;if(curDepth < dir.size()){assert(dir.size() >= (dir.size() - curDepth));int pop_time = dir.size() - curDepth;for(int k = 0 ; k < pop_time ; k ++){curLength -= dir.top().size();dir.pop();}}elseassert(curDepth == dir.size());dir.push(curDir);curLength += curDir.size();if(curDir.find(".") != string::npos){assert(dir.size() >= 1);res = max(res, curLength + (int)dir.size() - 1);}start = i+1;i = start + 1;}elsei ++;}return res;}};int main() {cout << Solution().lengthLongestPath("dir\n\tsubdir1\n\tsubdir2\n\t\tfile.ext") << endl;cout << Solution().lengthLongestPath("dir\n\tsubdir1\n\t\tfile1.ext\n\t\tsubsubdir1\n\tsubdir2\n\t\tsubsubdir2\n\t\t\tfile2.ext") << endl;cout << Solution().lengthLongestPath("a\n\tb1\n\t\tf1.txt\n\taaaaa\n\t\tf2.txt") << endl;return 0;}