LRU Cache Solutions in C++
Number 146
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 33.3%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Java
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2014-10-12#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <iostream>#include <map>using namespace std;// The idea here is quite simple:// 1) A Map to index the key. O(1) key search time-complexity.// 2) A List to sort the cache data by accessed time.//// Considering there are too many insert/delete opreations for the List,// The ouble linked list is the good data structure to performance it.class Node {public:int key;int value;Node *next, *prev;Node(int k, int v) { key=k; value=v; next = prev = NULL; }//Node(int k, int v, Node* n=NULL, Node* p=NULL): key(k), value(v), next(n), prev(p) {}};// the following double linked list seems a bit commplicated.class DoubleLinkedList {private:Node *pHead, *pTail;int size;public:DoubleLinkedList(){pHead = pTail = NULL;size = 0;}~DoubleLinkedList() {while(pHead!=NULL){Node*p = pHead;pHead = pHead->next;delete p;}}int Size() const {return size;}Node* NewAtBegin(int key, int value) {Node *n = new Node(key, value);return AddAtBegin(n);}Node* NewAtEnd(int key, int value) {Node *n = new Node(key, value);return AddAtEnd(n);}Node* AddAtBegin(Node* n){size++;if (pHead==NULL) {pHead = pTail = n;return n;}n->next = pHead;n->prev = NULL;pHead->prev = n;pHead = n;return n;}Node* AddAtEnd(Node* n) {size++;if (pHead==NULL) {pHead = pTail = n;return n;}pTail->next = n;n->prev = pTail;n->next = NULL;pTail = n;}void Unlink(Node* n){Node* before = n->prev;Node* after = n->next;if (before){before->next = after;}if (after){after->prev = before;}if(pHead == n){pHead = pHead->next;}else if(pTail == n) {pTail = pTail->prev;}size--;}void Delete(Node* n){Unlink(n);delete n;}void TakeToBegin(Node* n){Unlink(n);AddAtBegin(n);}Node* GetTailNode() {return pTail;}void DeleteLast() {Delete(pTail);}void Print(){Node* p = pHead;while(p!=NULL) {cout << "(" << p->key << "," << p->value << ") ";p = p->next;}cout << endl;}};class LRUCache{private://cacheList - store the dateDoubleLinkedList cacheList;//cacheMap - index the date for searchingmap<int, Node*> cacheMap;//the max capcity of cacheint capacity;public:LRUCache(int capacity) {this->capacity = capacity;}void print(){cacheList.Print();}int get(int key) {// The accessed node must be up-to-time -- take to the frontif (cacheMap.find(key) != cacheMap.end() ){cacheList.TakeToBegin(cacheMap[key]);return cacheMap[key]->value;}return -1;}void set(int key, int value) {// key found, update the data, and take to the frontif (cacheMap.find(key) != cacheMap.end() ){Node *p = cacheMap[key];p->value = value;cacheList.TakeToBegin(cacheMap[key]);}else{// key not found, new a node to store datacacheMap[key] = cacheList.NewAtBegin(key, value);// if the capacity exceed, remove the last one.if( cacheList.Size() > capacity) {int key = cacheList.GetTailNode()->key;cacheMap.erase(key);cacheList.DeleteLast();}}}};int main(int argc, char** argv){/*LRUCache c(2);c.set(2,1);c.print();c.set(2,2);c.print();c.get(2);c.print();c.set(1,1);c.print();c.set(4,1);c.print();c.get(2);c.print();cout << "---------" << endl;*/srand(time(0));int capacity = 5;int test_loop_times = 10;if (argc>1){capacity = atoi(argv[1]);}if (argc>2){test_loop_times = atoi(argv[1]);}LRUCache cache(capacity);int v;for(int i=0; i<test_loop_times; i++) {v = i;//rand() % capacity;cout << "set " << v << ": ";cache.set(v, v);cache.print();v = rand() % capacity;cout << "get " << v << ": " << cache.get(v);cache.print();cout << endl;}return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2019-03-02#include <iostream>#include <unordered_map>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// HashMap + Double Linked List/// Time Complexity: init: O(1)/// get: O(1)/// put: O(1)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class LRUCache {private:class Node{public:int key, value;Node *prev, *next;Node(int k, int v): key(k), value(v), prev(NULL), next(NULL){}};int capacity;unordered_map<int, Node*> data;Node* dummyHead;Node* tail;public:LRUCache(int capacity): capacity(capacity){dummyHead = new Node(-1, -1);tail = new Node(-1, -1);dummyHead->next = tail;tail->prev = dummyHead;}~LRUCache(){// TODO memory}int get(int key) {// cout << "get " << key << endl;if(data.count(key)){moveToHead(data[key]);assert(dummyHead->next);// debug();return dummyHead->next->value;}return -1;}void put(int key, int value) {// cout << "put " << key << " " << value << endl;if(data.count(key)){data[key]->value = value;moveToHead(data[key]);return;}data[key] = new Node(key, value);addFirst(data[key]);// debug();if(data.size() > capacity){assert(data.size() == capacity + 1);int delKey = removeLast();assert(data.count(delKey));data.erase(delKey);// debug();}}private:void moveToHead(Node* node){node->prev->next = node->next;node->next->prev = node->prev;node->prev = node->next = NULL;addFirst(node);}void addFirst(Node* node){node->next = dummyHead->next;node->next->prev= node;node->prev = dummyHead;dummyHead->next = node;}int removeLast(){assert(tail->prev != dummyHead);Node* delNode = tail->prev;tail->prev = tail->prev->prev;tail->prev->next = tail;// TODO: delete delNodereturn delNode->key;}void debug(){cout << "Hash Map : sz = " << data.size() << endl;for(const pair<int, Node*>& p: data)cout << p.first << " : ( " << p.second->key << " , " << p.second->value << " )" << endl;cout << "Double Linked List : " << endl;Node* cur = dummyHead;while(cur)cout << "(" << cur->key << "," << cur->value << ") -> ", cur = cur->next;cout << "NULL" << endl << endl;}};int main() {LRUCache cache1(2);cache1.put(1, 1);cache1.put(2, 2);cout << cache1.get(1) << endl; // 1cache1.put(3, 3);cout << cache1.get(2) << endl; // -1cache1.put(4, 4);cout << cache1.get(1) << endl; // -1cout << cache1.get(3) << endl; // 3cout << cache1.get(4) << endl; // 4cout << endl;LRUCache cache2(2);cache2.put(2, 1);cache2.put(1, 1);cache2.put(2, 3);cache2.put(4, 1);cout << cache2.get(1) << endl; // -1cout << cache2.get(2) << endl; // 3return 0;}