Maximal Square Solutions in Python
Number 221
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 37.8%
Link LeetCode
Other languages C++
Python solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
# Source : Author : penpenps# Time : 2019-07-24from typing import List# DP solution, dp[i][i] represents the length of largest square end with matrix[i][j]# Then, dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j-1], dp[i][j-1], dp[i-1][j]) + 1# Time Complexity: O(n^2)# Space Complexity: O(n^2)class Solution:def maximalSquare(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:if not matrix or not matrix[0]: return 0n = len(matrix)m = len(matrix[0])dp = [[1 if matrix[i][j] == '1' else 0 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]for i in range(1, n):for j in range(1, m):if matrix[i][j] == '1':dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j-1], dp[i][j-1], dp[i-1][j]) + 1return max(max(row) for row in dp)**2
Python solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
# Source : Author : penpenps# Time : 2019-07-24from typing import List# modify matrix in-place# Time Complexity: O(n^2)# Space Complexity: O(1)class Solution:def maximalSquare(self, matrix: List[List[str]]) -> int:if not matrix or not matrix[0]: return 0n = len(matrix)m = len(matrix[0])for i in range(n):matrix[i][0] = 1 if matrix[i][0] == '1' else 0for j in range(1, m):matrix[0][j] = 1 if matrix[0][j] == '1' else 0for i in range(1, n):for j in range(1, m):if matrix[i][j] == '1':matrix[i][j] = min(matrix[i-1][j-1], matrix[i][j-1], matrix[i-1][j]) + 1else:matrix[i][j] = 0return max(max(row) for row in matrix)**2