Min Stack Solutions in C++
Number 155
Difficulty Easy
Acceptance 44.6%
Link LeetCode
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/min-stack/// Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2014-11-16#include <stdlib.h>#include <iostream>using namespace std;//It seems C++ vector cause the Memory Limit Error, So, implement a simple onetemplate <typename T>class Stack {private:T* _stack;int _capacity;int _top;public:Stack():_capacity(1),_top(-1){_stack = (T*)malloc(_capacity*sizeof(T));}~Stack(){free(_stack);}void push(T x){_top++;if ( _top >= _capacity ){//if capacity is not enough, enlarge it 5 times.//Notes: why 5 times? because if you change to other(e.g. 2 times),// LeetCode system will report Run-time Error! it sucks!_capacity*=5;_stack = (T*)realloc(_stack, _capacity*sizeof(T));}_stack[_top] = x;}T pop() {return top(true);}T& top(bool pop=false) {if (_top>=0){if (pop){return _stack[_top--];}return _stack[_top];}static T null;return null;}bool empty(){return (_top<0);}int size() {return _top+1;}void clear(){_top = -1;}};/** Idea:** Using two stacks,* 1) one stack is the real stack to store the data.* 2) another stack store the minimal number when it changes.** For example:** if we keep pushing the following numbers:* 5 1 1 2 3 2* the minial number stack will be:* 5 1 1 <-- only store the number which <= cureent minimal number** Then, when we pop up the stack.** we need compare whether the current number is the current minial number.* if it is, then we need popup the number in minimal number stack.**/class MinStack {private://Using a minData struct to remove the duplication in minimal stack//which can save the memory.struct minData{int min;int cnt;minData():min(0), cnt(0) {}minData(int m, int c):min(m),cnt(c){}};Stack<int> stack; //real stack store the dataStack<minData> minStack; //minimal number stack store the numberint min; //current minial numberpublic:void push(int x) {if(stack.empty()){min = x;minStack.push(minData(x,1));}else{if (min >= x ){min = x;//if current minial number already pushed, then just add the reference coount.if (minStack.top().min == x){minStack.top().cnt++;}else{minStack.push(minData(x,1));}}}stack.push(x);}void pop() {if (stack.empty()){return;}int x = stack.pop();if (x == minStack.top().min){//de-reference the count at first.if (minStack.top().cnt > 1){minStack.top().cnt--;}else{minStack.pop();min = minStack.top().min;}}}int top() {return stack.top();}int getMin() {return min;}void clear() {stack.clear();minStack.clear();}};int main(){cout << "--- expected output [0, 0, 0, 2]" << endl;MinStack ms;ms.push(2);ms.push(0);ms.push(3);ms.push(0);cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.clear();cout << "--- expected output [2147483647 2147483646 2147483646 2147483647 2147483647 -2147483648 -2147483648 2147483647 " << endl;ms.push(2147483646);ms.push(2147483646);ms.push(2147483647);cout << ms.top() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();ms.push(2147483647);cout << ms.top() << endl;cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.push(-2147483648);cout << ms.top() << endl;cout << ms.getMin() << endl;ms.pop();cout << ms.getMin() << endl;return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/min-stack/description//// Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-16#include <iostream>#include <set>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Using two sets/// Time Complexity: push: O(nlogn)/// pop: O(nlogn)/// top: O(nlogn)/// getMin: O(nlogn)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class MinStack {private:int index = 0;set<pair<int, int>> vi; // value - indexset<pair<int, int>> iv; // index - valuepublic:/** initialize your data structure here. */MinStack() {vi.clear();iv.clear();index = 0;}void push(int x) {vi.insert(make_pair(x, index));iv.insert(make_pair(index, x));index ++;}int pop() {assert(iv.size() > 0);pair<int, int> e_iv = *iv.rbegin();iv.erase(e_iv);pair<int, int> e_vi = make_pair(e_iv.second, e_iv.first);vi.erase(e_vi);return e_iv.second;}int top() {assert(iv.size() > 0);return iv.rbegin()->second;}int getMin() {assert(vi.size() > 0);return vi.begin()->first;}};int main() {MinStack minStack;minStack.push(-2);minStack.push(0);minStack.push(-3);cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -3minStack.pop();cout << minStack.top() << endl; // -> 0cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -2return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/max-stack/description//// Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-28#include <iostream>#include <stack>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Using two stacks/// We have one regular stack for push, pop and top operations/// We have another stack for getMin operations, which named minStack/// minStack will store the current min value in the stack////// Time Complexity: push: O(1)/// pop: O(1)/// top: O(1)/// getMin: O(1)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class MinStack {private:stack<int> normalStack;stack<int> minStack;public:/** initialize your data structure here. */MinStack() {while(!normalStack.empty())normalStack.pop();while(!minStack.empty())minStack.pop();}void push(int x) {normalStack.push(x);if(minStack.empty())minStack.push(x);elseminStack.push(min(minStack.top(), x));}int pop() {assert(normalStack.size() > 0);int v = normalStack.top();normalStack.pop();minStack.pop();return v;}int top() {assert(normalStack.size() > 0);return normalStack.top();}int getMin() {assert(normalStack.size() > 0);return minStack.top();}};int main() {MinStack minStack;minStack.push(-2);minStack.push(0);minStack.push(-3);cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -3minStack.pop();cout << minStack.top() << endl; // -> 0cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -2return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : https://leetcode.com/problems/max-stack/description//// Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-28#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <cassert>#include <list>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Using a list to simulate th stack/// Using a TreeMap to record every node in the list/// So we can get the min value in the list quickly and erase it easily/// Since the problen doesn't require popMin operation,/// we may not see the advantage of this method,/// But in problem 716, Max Stack, it's different./// https://leetcode.com/problems/max-stack/description/////// Time Complexity: push: O(1)/// pop: O(1)/// top: O(1)/// peekMax: O(1)/// popMax: O(logn)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class MinStack {private:list<int> stack;map<int, vector<list<int>::iterator>> record;public:/** initialize your data structure here. */MinStack() {stack.clear();record.clear();}void push(int x) {stack.push_back(x);list<int>::iterator iter = stack.begin();advance(iter, stack.size() - 1);record[x].push_back(iter);}int pop() {int ret = stack.back();stack.pop_back();record[ret].pop_back();if(record[ret].size() == 0)record.erase(ret);return ret;}int top() {assert(stack.size() > 0);return stack.back();}int getMin() {assert(stack.size() > 0);return record.begin()->first;}};int main() {MinStack minStack;minStack.push(-2);minStack.push(0);minStack.push(-3);cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -3minStack.pop();cout << minStack.top() << endl; // -> 0cout << minStack.getMin() << endl; // -> -2return 0;}