Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position Solutions in GoNumber 1217Difficulty EasyAcceptance 64.3%Link LeetCodeOther languages C++SolutionsGo solution by halfrost/LeetCode-Gopackage leetcode func minCostToMoveChips(chips []int) int { odd, even := 0, 0 for _, c := range chips { if c%2 == 0 { even++ } else { odd++ } } return min(odd, even)} func min(a int, b int) int { if a > b { return b } return a}package leetcode func minCostToMoveChips(chips []int) int { odd, even := 0, 0 for _, c := range chips { if c%2 == 0 { even++ } else { odd++ } } return min(odd, even) } func min(a int, b int) int { if a > b { return b } return a }