Minimum Window Subsequence Solutions in C++
Number 727
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 41.8%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-11#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Memory Search////// !!! Memory Limit Exceed !!!////// Time Complexity: O(len(S)*len(T))/// Space Complexity: O(len(S)*len(T))class Solution {private:int MY_MAX_INT = 20001;public:string minWindow(string S, string T) {vector<vector<int>> mem(20001, vector<int>(101, -1));int min_length = MY_MAX_INT;int start = -1;for(int i = 0 ; i < S.size() ; i ++){search(mem, S, i, T, 0);assert(mem[i][0] != -1);//cout << mem[i][0] << endl;if(mem[i][0] < min_length){min_length = mem[i][0];start = i;}}for(int i = 0 ; i < S.size() ; i ++){for(int j = 0 ; j < T.size() ; j ++)cout << mem[i][j] << "\t";cout << endl;}//cout << start << " " << min_length << endl;return start == -1 ? "" : S.substr(start, min_length);return "";}private:int search(vector<vector<int>>& mem,const string& S, int i1, const string& T, int i2){if(i2 == T.size())return 0;if(i1 == S.size())return MY_MAX_INT;if(mem[i1][i2] != -1)return mem[i1][i2];int res = 1 + search(mem, S, i1+1, T, i2);if(S[i1] == T[i2])res = min(res, 1 + search(mem, S, i1+1, T, i2+1));return mem[i1][i2] = res;}};int main() {string S1 = "abcdebdde";string T1 = "bde";cout << Solution().minWindow(S1, T1) << endl;return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-12#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cassert>/// Dynamic Programming with Rolling 1-D Array/// dp[i][j] - the minimum length W for subsequence in S[i...end) to satify T[j...end)/// the result is the minimum value for all dp[i][0] where len(S[i...end)) > len(T)////// Time Complexity: O(len(S)*len(T))/// Space Complexity: O(len(T))using namespace std;class Solution {private:int MY_MAX_INT = 20001;public:string minWindow(string S, string T) {vector<vector<int>> dp(2, vector<int>(T.size(), MY_MAX_INT));int min_length = MY_MAX_INT;int start = -1;dp[(S.size()-1)%2][T.size()-1] = (S.back() == T.back() ? 1 : MY_MAX_INT);if(dp[(S.size()-1)%2][0] == 1 && T.size() == 1){min_length = 1;start = S.size()-1;}elsefor(int j = T.size()-2 ; j >= 0 ; j --)dp[(S.size()-1)%2][j] = MY_MAX_INT;for(int i = S.size()-2 ; i >= 0 ; i --){dp[i%2][T.size()-1] = dp[(i+1)%2][T.size()-1] + 1;if(S[i] == T.back())dp[i%2][T.size()-1] = 1;for(int j = T.size() - 2 ; j >= 0 ; j --){dp[i%2][j] = min(MY_MAX_INT, 1 + dp[(i+1)%2][j]);if(S[i] == T[j])dp[i%2][j] = min(dp[i%2][j], 1 + dp[(i+1)%2][j+1]);}if(i + T.size() <= S.size() && dp[i%2][0] <= min_length){min_length = dp[i%2][0];start = i;}}return (start != -1 && min_length < MY_MAX_INT) ?S.substr(start, min_length) : "";}};int main() {string S1 = "abcdebdde";string T1 = "bde";cout << Solution().minWindow(S1, T1) << endl;// bcde// ---string S2 = "ab";string T2 = "b";cout << Solution().minWindow(S2, T2) << endl;// b// ---string S3 = "cnhczmccqouqadqtmjjzl";string T3 = "mm";cout << Solution().minWindow(S3, T3) << endl;// mccqouqadqtmreturn 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-11-12#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cassert>/// Dynamic Programming with Rolling 1-D Array/// dp[i][j] - the largest start index s for S[s...i] to satify T[0...j]////// Time Complexity: O(len(S)*len(T))/// Space Complexity: O(len(S))using namespace std;class Solution {private:int MY_MAX_INT = 20001;public:string minWindow(string S, string T) {if(T.size() == 1 && S.find(T[0]) != string::npos)return T;vector<vector<int>> dp(2, vector<int>(S.size(), -1));dp[0][0] = (S[0] == T[0]) ? 0 : -1;for(int j = 1 ; j < S.size() ; j ++)dp[0][j] = (S[j] == T[0]) ? j : dp[0][j-1];for(int i = 1 ; i < T.size() ; i ++){for(int j = 0 ; j < i ; j ++)dp[i%2][j] = -1;for(int j = i ; j < S.size() ; j ++){dp[i%2][j] = dp[i%2][j-1];if(T[i] == S[j])dp[i%2][j] = max(dp[(i-1)%2][j-1], dp[i%2][j]);}}int min_length = MY_MAX_INT;int start = -1;for(int j = T.size() - 1 ; j < S.size() ; j ++)if(dp[(T.size()-1)%2][j] != -1){int length = j - dp[(T.size()-1)%2][j] + 1;assert(length > 0);if(length < min_length){min_length = length;start = dp[(T.size()-1)%2][j];}}return (start != -1 && min_length < MY_MAX_INT) ?S.substr(start, min_length) : "";}};int main() {string S1 = "abcdebdde";string T1 = "bde";cout << Solution().minWindow(S1, T1) << endl;// bcde// ---string S2 = "ab";string T2 = "b";cout << Solution().minWindow(S2, T2) << endl;// b// ---string S3 = "cnhczmccqouqadqtmjjzl";string T3 = "mm";cout << Solution().minWindow(S3, T3) << endl;// mccqouqadqtm// ---string S4 = "clgkckxqhqojiroohcudeyhlylicvafvpbubcjictifyoshucybzswblioaflxaoxdjbjejvzgqiuedmzgmqbhpkjlwxvobrcgqhzzelxppwdkwqlplflnldxpkwobqyqhqbfcxolrmrllmzpgjemzhscagqxhyuqquopquyyxwcuetxnxebbrgsbiwtkqdpqmvsprrnyficfxagfsssvppwqdsqesz";string T4 = "cihfrleqav";cout << Solution().minWindow(S4, T4) << endl;// cybzswblioaflxaoxdjbjejvzgqiuedmzgmqbhpkjlwxvobrcgqhzzelxppwdkwqlplflnldxpkwobqyqhqbfcxolrmrllmzpgjemzhscagqxhyuqquopquyyxwcuetxnxebbrgsbiwtkqdpqmvsprrnyficfxagfsssvreturn 0;}