My Calendar I Solutions in Go
Number 729
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 51.9%
Link LeetCode
Other languages C++
Go solution by halfrost/LeetCode-Go
package leetcode// 解法一 二叉排序树// Event definetype Event struct {start, end intleft, right *Event}// Insert definefunc (e *Event) Insert(curr *Event) bool {if e.end > curr.start && curr.end > e.start {return false}if curr.start < e.start {if e.left == nil {e.left = curr} else {return e.left.Insert(curr)}} else {if e.right == nil {e.right = curr} else {return e.right.Insert(curr)}}return true}// MyCalendar definetype MyCalendar struct {root *Event}// Constructor729 definefunc Constructor729() MyCalendar {return MyCalendar{root: nil,}}// Book definefunc (this *MyCalendar) Book(start int, end int) bool {curr := &Event{start: start, end: end, left: nil, right: nil}if this.root == nil {this.root = currreturn true}return this.root.Insert(curr)}// 解法二 快排 + 二分// MyCalendar define// type MyCalendar struct {// calendar []Interval// }// // Constructor729 define// func Constructor729() MyCalendar {// calendar := []Interval{}// return MyCalendar{calendar: calendar}// }// // Book define// func (this *MyCalendar) Book(start int, end int) bool {// if len(this.calendar) == 0 {// this.calendar = append(this.calendar, Interval{Start: start, End: end})// return true// }// // 快排// quickSort(this.calendar, 0, len(this.calendar)-1)// // 二分// pos := searchLastLessInterval(this.calendar, start, end)// // 如果找到最后一个元素,需要判断 end// if pos == len(this.calendar)-1 && this.calendar[pos].End <= start {// this.calendar = append(this.calendar, Interval{Start: start, End: end})// return true// }// // 如果不是开头和结尾的元素,还需要判断这个区间是否能插入到原数组中(要看起点和终点是否都能插入)// if pos != len(this.calendar)-1 && pos != -1 && this.calendar[pos].End <= start && this.calendar[pos+1].Start >= end {// this.calendar = append(this.calendar, Interval{Start: start, End: end})// return true// }// // 如果元素比开头的元素还要小,要插入到开头// if this.calendar[0].Start >= end {// this.calendar = append(this.calendar, Interval{Start: start, End: end})// return true// }// return false// }// func searchLastLessInterval(intervals []Interval, start, end int) int {// low, high := 0, len(intervals)-1// for low <= high {// mid := low + ((high - low) >> 1)// if intervals[mid].Start <= start {// if (mid == len(intervals)-1) || (intervals[mid+1].Start > start) { // 找到最后一个小于等于 target 的元素// return mid// }// low = mid + 1// } else {// high = mid - 1// }// }// return -1// }/*** Your MyCalendar object will be instantiated and called as such:* obj := Constructor();* param_1 := obj.Book(start,end);*/