Palindrome Partitioning Solutions in C++
Number 131
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 47.7%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Go
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2014-08-21#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;bool isPalindrome(string &s, int start, int end) {while(start < end){if(s[start] != s[end]) {return false;}start++; end--;}return true;}// DFS - Deepth First Search//// For example: "aaba"//// +------+// +------| aaba |-----+// | +------+ |// +-v-+ +-v--+// | a |aba | aa |ba// +---+---+--+ +--+-+// | | |// +-v-+ +--v--+ +-v-+// | a |ba | aba |\0 | b |a// +-+-+ +-----+ +-+-+// | a, aba |// +-v-+ +-v-+// | b |a | a |\0// +-+-+ +---+// | aa, b, a// +-v-+// | a |\0// +---+// a, a, b, a//// You can see this algorithm still can be optimized, becasue there are some dupliation.// ( The optimization you can see the "Palindrome Partitioning II" )//void partitionHelper(string &s, int start, vector<string> &output, vector< vector<string> > &result) {if (start == s.size()) {result.push_back(output);return;}for(int i=start; i<s.size(); i++) {if ( isPalindrome(s, start, i) == true ) {//put the current palindrome substring into ouputoutput.push_back(s.substr(start, i-start+1) );//Recursively check the rest substringpartitionHelper(s, i+1, output, result);//take out the current palindrome substring, in order to check longer substring.output.pop_back();}}}vector< vector<string> > partition(string s) {vector< vector<string> > result;vector<string> output;partitionHelper(s, 0, output, result);return result;}void printMatrix(vector< vector<string> > &matrix){for(int i=0; i<matrix.size(); i++){cout << "{ ";for(int j=0; j< matrix[i].size(); j++) {cout << matrix[i][j] << ", ";}cout << "}" << endl;}cout << endl;}int main(int argc, char** argv){string s("aab");if ( argc > 1 ){s = argv[1];}vector< vector<string> > result = partition(s);printMatrix(result);}
C++ solution by pezy/LeetCode
#include <vector>using std::vector;#include <string>using std::string;class Solution {vector<vector<string>> ret;public:using cIter = string::const_iterator;vector<vector<string>> partition(string s) {vector<string> v;partition(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), v);return ret;}void partition(cIter beg, cIter end, vector<string> &v) {if (beg == end) { ret.push_back(v); return; }for (auto it=beg; it != end; ++it)if (isPalindrome(beg, it)) {v.emplace_back(beg, std::next(it));partition(std::next(it), end, v);v.pop_back();}}bool isPalindrome(cIter first, cIter last) {for (; first < last; ++first, --last)if (*first != *last) return false;return true;}};