Reconstruct Itinerary Solutions in C++
Number 332
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 36.7%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2017-01-06/*This problem's description really confuse me.for examples:1) [["JFK", "PEK"], ["JFK", "SHA"], ["SHA", "JFK"]], which has two itineraries:a) JFK -> PEK,b) JFK -> SHA -> JFK -> PEKThe a) is smaller than b), because PEK < SHA, however the b) is correct answer.So, it means we need use all of tickets.2) [["JFK", "PEK"], ["JFK", "SHA"]], which also has two itineraries:a) JFK -> PEKb) JFK -> SHAfor my understanding, the JFK -> SHA is the correct one,however, the correct answer is JFK -> SHA -> PEK.I don't understand, why the correct answer is not JFK -> PEK -> SHAThat really does not make sense to me.All right, we need assume all of the tickets can be connected in one itinerary.Then, it's easy to have a DFS algorithm.*/class Solution {public://DFSvoid travel(string& start, unordered_map<string, multiset<string>>& map, vector<string>& result) {while (map[start].size() > 0 ) {string next = *(map[start].begin());map[start].erase(map[start].begin());travel(next, map, result);}result.insert(result.begin(), start);}vector<string> findItinerary(vector<pair<string, string>> tickets) {unordered_map<string, multiset<string>> map;for(auto t : tickets) {map[t.first].insert(t.second);}vector<string> result;string start = "JFK";travel(start, map, result);return result;}};