Remove Invalid Parentheses Solutions in C++
Number 301
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 43.4%
Link LeetCode
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C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2015-11-11#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <unordered_set>using namespace std;//DFSvoid removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(string& s, int index, int pair,int remove_left, int remove_right,string solution, unordered_set<string>& result) {char ch = s[index];//recusive endingif ( ch == '\0' ) {if (pair==0 && remove_left==0 && remove_right==0 ) {result.insert(solution);}return;}//other char, move to next oneif ( ch != '(' && ch != ')' ) {removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, index+1, pair, remove_left, remove_right, solution+ch, result);return;}//if we meet left one, and we need remove left one,//then we have two choices : remove it, OR keep it.if ( ch == '(' ) {//revmoe itif (remove_left > 0 ) {removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, index+1, pair, remove_left-1, remove_right, solution, result);}//keep itremoveInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, index+1, pair+1, remove_left, remove_right, solution+ch, result);}//if we meet right one, and we need to remove right one,//then we have two choices as well: remove it, or keep it if there are some left already.if ( ch == ')' ) {if (remove_right > 0 ) {removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, index+1, pair, remove_left, remove_right-1, solution, result);}if (pair > 0){removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, index+1, pair-1, remove_left, remove_right, solution+ch, result);}}}vector<string> removeInvalidParentheses(string s) {//Calculating how many left/right parentheses need be removed!int remove_left = 0, remove_right = 0;for(auto c : s) {if ( c == '(' ) {remove_left++;}else if ( c == ')' ){if (remove_left > 0) {remove_left--; // if we matched}else{remove_right++;}}}unordered_set<string> result;removeInvalidParenthesesHelper(s, 0, 0, remove_left, remove_right, "", result);return vector<string>( result.begin(), result.end() );}void printVector(vector<string> result) {for( int i=0; i<result.size(); i++) {cout << i << ") " << result[i] << endl;}}int main(int argc, char** argv) {string s = "()())()";if (argc>1) {s = argv[1];}cout << s << endl;printVector( removeInvalidParentheses(s) );return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-11-02#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_set>using namespace std;/// Brute Force/// Time Complexity: O(2^n)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class Solution {private:int n;int maxlen;public:vector<string> removeInvalidParentheses(string s) {n = s.size();maxlen = 0;unordered_set<string> res;dfs(s, 0, 0, "", res);return vector<string>(res.begin(), res.end());}private:void dfs(const string& s, int index, int left, const string& cur,unordered_set<string>& res){if(index == n){if(left == 0){if(cur.size() > maxlen){res.clear();maxlen = cur.size();}if(cur.size() == maxlen)res.insert(cur);}return;}if(s[index] != '(' && s[index] != ')')dfs(s, index + 1, left, cur + s[index], res);else if(s[index] == '('){dfs(s, index + 1, left + 1, cur + s[index], res);if(cur.size() + n - (index + 1) >= maxlen)dfs(s, index + 1, left, cur, res);}else{if(left > 0)dfs(s, index + 1, left - 1, cur + s[index], res);if(cur.size() + n - (index + 1) >= maxlen)dfs(s, index + 1, left, cur, res);}}};void print_vec(const vector<string>& vec){cout << vec.size() << " : ";for(const string& e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << endl;}int main() {string s1 = "()())()";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s1));// 6// (())() ()()()string s2 = "(a)())()";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s2));// 7// (a())() (a)()()string s3 = ")(";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s3));// 0string s4 = "n";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s4));// 1// nstring s5 = "x(";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s5));// 1// xstring s6 = "((";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s6));// 0return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2018-11-02#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <unordered_set>using namespace std;/// Calculate how many '(' and ')' are there/// int the result maximum len expression first/// Time Complexity: O(2^n)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class Solution {private:int n, maxlen;public:vector<string> removeInvalidParentheses(string s) {n = s.size();int total_left = 0, total_right = 0, l = 0, r = 0;for(char c: s){if(c == '(') total_left ++;else if(c == ')') total_right ++;if(c == '(') l ++;else if(c == ')'){if(l > 0) l --;else r ++;}}int rem_left = total_left - l, rem_right = total_right - r;// cout << "rem_left : " << rem_left << " ; rem_right : " << rem_right << endl;maxlen = s.size() - l - r;unordered_set<string> res;dfs(s, 0, rem_left, rem_right, "", res);return vector<string>(res.begin(), res.end());}private:void dfs(const string& s, int index, int rem_left, int rem_right,const string& cur, unordered_set<string>& res){if(cur.size() == maxlen){if(!rem_left && !rem_right)res.insert(cur);return;}if(index == n || cur.size() > maxlen)return;if(s[index] != '(' && s[index] != ')')dfs(s, index + 1, rem_left, rem_right, cur + s[index], res);else if(s[index] == '('){if(rem_left)dfs(s, index + 1, rem_left - 1, rem_right, cur + s[index], res);dfs(s, index + 1, rem_left, rem_right, cur, res);}else{if(rem_right && rem_right > rem_left)dfs(s, index + 1, rem_left, rem_right - 1, cur + s[index], res);dfs(s, index + 1, rem_left, rem_right, cur, res);}}};void print_vec(const vector<string>& vec){cout << vec.size() << " : ";for(const string& e: vec)cout << e << " ";cout << endl;}int main() {string s1 = "()())()";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s1));// 6// (())() ()()()string s2 = "(a)())()";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s2));// 7// (a())() (a)()()string s3 = ")(";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s3));// 0string s4 = "n";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s4));// 1// nstring s5 = "x(";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s5));// 1// xstring s6 = "((";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s6));// 0string s7 = "(()";print_vec(Solution().removeInvalidParentheses(s7));// 2return 0;}