Surrounded Regions Solutions in C++
Number 130
Difficulty Medium
Acceptance 28.2%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Go
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2014-10-12#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <queue>using namespace std;void print(vector< vector<char> > &board);void markOpen(vector< vector<char> > &board, int row, int col, int r, int c) {if (r<0 || c <0 || r>=row || c>=col || board[r][c] != 'O') return;board[r][c]='N'; // 'N' means it's not closedmarkOpen(board, row, col, r+1, c);markOpen(board, row, col, r-1, c);markOpen(board, row, col, r, c+1);markOpen(board, row, col, r, c-1);}void solve_recursively(vector< vector<char> > &board) {if (board.size()<=0 || board[0].size()<=0) return;int row = board.size();int col = board[0].size();//left & right edgefor (int r=0; r<row; r++){if ( board[r][0] == 'O') {markOpen(board, row, col, r, 0);}if ( board[r][col-1] == 'O') {markOpen(board, row, col, r, col-1);}}//top & bottom edgefor (int c=1; c<col-1; c++){if ( board[0][c] == 'O') {markOpen(board, row, col, 0, c);}if ( board[row-1][c] == 'O') {markOpen(board, row, col, row-1, c);}}print(board);// change 'N' to 'O', change 'O' to 'X'for (int r=0; r<row; r++) {for (int c=0; c<col; c++) {if (board[r][c] == 'O') {board[r][c]='X';} else if (board[r][c] == 'N') {board[r][c]='O';}}}}/*change the recursive method to non_recursive way by using queue*/struct position{int row, col;void set(int r, int c) { row = r; col = c; }position(int r, int c): row(r), col(c) {}};void solve_non_recursively(vector< vector<char> > &board) {if (board.size()<=0 || board[0].size()<=0) return;int row = board.size();int col = board[0].size();queue<position> q;position p(0,0);//left & right edgefor (int r=0; r<row; r++){if ( board[r][0] == 'O') {board[r][0] = 'N';p.set(r, 0);q.push(p) ;}if ( board[r][col-1] == 'O') {board[r][col-1] = 'N';p.set(r, col-1);q.push(p) ;}}//top & bottom edgefor (int c=1; c<col-1; c++){if ( board[0][c] == 'O') {board[0][c] = 'N';p.set(0, c);q.push(p) ;}if ( board[row-1][c] == 'O') {board[row-1][c] = 'N';p.set(row-1, c);q.push(p) ;}}while (!q.empty()){p = q.front();q.pop();int r = p.row;int c = p.col;if (r < row-1 && board[r+1][c] == 'O') {board[r+1][c] = 'N';p.set(r+1, c);q.push(p);}if (r > 0 && board[r-1][c] == 'O') {board[r-1][c] = 'N';p.set(r-1, c);q.push(p);}if (c < col-1 && board[r][c+1] == 'O') {board[r][c+1] = 'N';p.set(r, c+1);q.push(p);}if (c>0 && board[r][c-1] == 'O') {board[r][c-1] = 'N';p.set(r, c-1);q.push(p);}}print(board);// change 'N' to 'O', change 'O' to 'X'for (int r=0; r<row; r++) {for (int c=0; c<col; c++) {if (board[r][c] == 'O') {board[r][c]='X';} else if (board[r][c] == 'N') {board[r][c]='O';}}}}// refers to <Algorithm> 4th edition.class UnionFind {int count_; // number of componentsint* rank_; // to limits tree hightsint* id_; // id[i] parent of ipublic:UnionFind(int n) {count_ = n;rank_ = new int[n];id_ = new int[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {id_[i] = i;rank_[i] = 0;}}~UnionFind() {delete [] rank_;delete [] id_;}int count() { return count_; }int find(int p) {while (p != id_[p]) {id_[p] = id_[id_[p]]; // path compressionp = id_[p];}return p;}bool connected(int p, int q) {return find(p) == find(q);}void connect(int p, int q) {int i = find(p);int j = find(q);if (i == j) return;if (rank_[i] < rank_[j]) id_[i] = j;else if (rank_[i] > rank_[j]) id_[j] = i;else { // ==id_[j] = i;rank_[i]++;}count_--;}};class Solution {public:void solve(vector<vector<char> >& board) {int n = board.size();if (n == 0) return;int m = board[0].size();UnionFind uf(n*m+1);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {if (i == 0 || i == n-1 || j == 0 || j == m-1) { // side case, connect to dummy nodeuf.connect(i*m + j, n*m);continue;}char c = board[i][j]; // inner case, connect to same neighborif (board[i+1][j] == c) uf.connect((i+1)*m + j, i*m + j);if (board[i-1][j] == c) uf.connect((i-1)*m + j, i*m + j);if (board[i][j+1] == c) uf.connect(i*m + (j+1), i*m + j);if (board[i][j-1] == c) uf.connect(i*m + (j-1), i*m + j);}}for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {if (board[i][j] == 'O' && !uf.connected(i*m + j, n*m)) {board[i][j] = 'X';}}}}};void solve(vector< vector<char> > &board) {if (rand() % 2) {Solution().solve(board);return;}solve_recursively(board);solve_non_recursively(board);}void construct(vector< vector<char> > &board, int row, int col) {srand(time(0));for(int i=0; i<row; i++){vector<char> line;for(int j=0; j<col; j++){if (i==0 || j==0 || i==row-1 || j==col-1)line.push_back(rand()%3 ? 'X' : 'O');elseline.push_back(rand()%2 ? 'X' : 'O');}board.push_back(line);}}void print(vector< vector<char> > &board) {for(int i=0; i<board.size(); i++){for(int j=0; j<board[i].size(); j++){cout << board[i][j] << " ";}cout << endl;}cout << endl;}int main(int argc, char** argv ){int row, col;row = col = 6;if (argc>1){row = atoi(argv[1]);}if (argc>2){col = atoi(argv[2]);}vector< vector<char> > data;construct(data, row, col);print(data);solve(data);print(data);return 0;}
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-07-13#include <vector>#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <queue>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// BFS/// Time Complexity: O(m*n)/// Space Complexity: O(m*n)////// This problem is amazing! Because using DFS will lead to Runtime Error,/// Because in some specific cases, the recursive depth might be too high/// The following is an example:/// OOOOOOOOO/// XXXXXXXXO/// OOOOOOOXO/// OXXXXXOXO/// OXOOOXOXO/// OXOXOXOXO/// OXOXXXOXO/// OXOOOOOXO/// OXXXXXXXO/// OOOOOOOOO////// We can see, in above test case, the complexity of recursive depth is O(n*m),/// where n and m describe the size of board./// Obviously, it's too high!class Solution {private:int m, n;int d[4][2] = {{0,1}, {1,0}, {0,-1}, {-1,0}};private:bool inArea(int x, int y){return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m && y < n;}bool bfs(const vector<vector<char>> &board, int x, int y,vector<vector<bool>>& visited, vector<pair<int,int>>& record){queue<pair<int,int>> q;// return true if we can only get to 'X' during BFS,// otherwise, return falsebool ret = true;visited[x][y] = true;q.push(pair<int,int>(x, y));while( !q.empty()){pair<int, int> cur = q.front();q.pop();record.push_back(pair<int, int>(cur.first, cur.second));for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ;i ++){int newX = cur.first + d[i][0];int newY = cur.second + d[i][1];if(!inArea(newX, newY))// If newX, newY is not in the area,// it means we get out of the board in this BFS,// we need to return false in this caseret = false;else if(board[newX][newY] == 'O' && !visited[newX][newY]){visited[newX][newY] = true;q.push(pair<int, int>(newX, newY));}}}return ret;}public:void solve(vector<vector<char>>& board) {m = board.size();if(m == 0)return;n = board[0].size();if(n == 0)return;vector<vector<bool>> visited(m, vector<bool>(n, false));vector<pair<int,int>> record;for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)if (board[i][j] == 'O' && !visited[i][j]){// clear record before each time we run BFSrecord.clear();if(bfs(board, i, j, visited, record))// If BFS return true,// means from this position,// we will not get out of the board.// As a result, we can make every position we visited in this BFS from 'O' to 'X'for(int k = 0 ; k < record.size() ; k ++)board[record[k].first][record[k].second] = 'X';}return;}};int main(){int n = 4, m = 4;string board_array[] = {"XXXX","XOOX","XXOX","XOXX"};vector<vector<char>> board = vector<vector<char>>(n, vector<char>(m, ' '));for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)for(int j = 0 ; j < m ; j ++)board[i][j] = board_array[i][j];Solution().solve(board);for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++){for(int j = 0 ; j < m ; j ++)cout << board[i][j];cout << endl;}return 0;}