The Skyline Problem Solutions in C++
Number 218
Difficulty Hard
Acceptance 34.6%
Link LeetCode
Other languages Go
C++ solution by haoel/leetcode
// Source : Author : Hao Chen// Date : 2015-06-11/** Sweep line with max-heap* ------------------------* Notice that "key points" are either the left or right edges of the buildings.** Therefore, we first obtain both the edges of all the N buildings, and store the 2N edges in a sorted array.* Maintain a max-heap of building heights while scanning through the edge array:* 1) If the current edge is a left edge, then add the height of its associated building to the max-heap;* 2) If the edge is a right one, remove the associated height from the heap.** Then we take the top value of the heap (yi) as the maximum height at the current edge position (xi).* Now (xi, yi) is a potential key point.** If yi is the same as the height of the last key point in the result list, it means that this key point* is not a REAL key point, but rather a horizontal continuation of the last point, so it should be discarded;** otherwise, we add (xi,yi) to the result list because it is a real key point.** Repeat this process until all the edges are checked.** It takes O(NlogN) time to sort the edge array. For each of the 2N edges,* it takes O(1) time to query the maximum height but O(logN) time to add* or remove elements. Overall, this solution takes O(NlogN) time.*/class Solution {public:vector<pair<int, int>> getSkyline(vector<vector<int>>& buildings) {vector< pair<int, int> > edges;//put all of edge into a vector//set left edge as negtive, right edge as positive//so, when we sort the edges,// 1) for same left point, the height would be descending order// 2) for same right point, the height would be ascending orderint left, right, height;for(int i=0; i<buildings.size(); i++) {left = buildings[i][0];right = buildings[i][1];height = buildings[i][2];edges.push_back(make_pair(left, -height));edges.push_back(make_pair(right, height));}sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());// 1) if we meet a left edge, then we add its height into a `set`.// the `set` whould sort the height automatically.// 2) if we meet a right edge, then we remove its height from the `set`//// So, we could get the current highest height from the `set`, if the// current height is different with preivous height, then we need add// it into the result.vector< pair<int, int> > result;multiset<int> m;m.insert(0);int pre = 0, cur = 0;for (int i=0; i<edges.size(); i++){pair<int,int> &e = edges[i];if (e.second < 0) {m.insert(-e.second);}else{m.erase(m.find(e.second));}cur = *m.rbegin();if (cur != pre) {result.push_back(make_pair(e.first, cur));pre = cur;}}return result;}};
C++ solution by liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode
/// Source : Author : liuyubobobo/// Time : 2017-10-28/// updated: 2019-03-14#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <set>#include <unordered_map>#include <cassert>using namespace std;/// Using Segment Tree/// Time Complexity: O(nlogn)/// Space Complexity: O(n)class SegmentTree{private:int n;vector<int> tree, lazy;public:SegmentTree(int n): n(n), tree(4 * n, 0), lazy(4 * n, 0){}void add(int l, int r, int h){update(0, 0, n-1, l, r, h);}int query(int index){return query(0, 0, n-1, index);}private:void update(int treeID, int treeL, int treeR, int l, int r, int h){if(lazy[treeID] != 0){tree[treeID] = max(tree[treeID], lazy[treeID]); // maxif(treeL != treeR){lazy[2 * treeID + 1] = max(lazy[treeID], lazy[2 * treeID + 1]); // maxlazy[2 * treeID + 2] = max(lazy[treeID], lazy[2 * treeID + 2]); // max}lazy[treeID] = 0;}if(treeL == l && treeR == r){tree[treeID] = max(tree[treeID], h); // maxif(treeL != treeR){lazy[2 * treeID + 1] = max(h, lazy[2 * treeID + 1]); // maxlazy[2 * treeID + 2] = max(h, lazy[2 * treeID + 2]); // max}return;}int mid = (treeL + treeR) / 2;if(r <= mid)update(2 * treeID + 1, treeL, mid, l, r, h);else if(l >= mid + 1)update(2 * treeID + 2, mid + 1, treeR, l, r, h);else{update(2 * treeID + 1, treeL, mid, l, mid, h);update(2 * treeID + 2, mid + 1, treeR, mid + 1, r, h);}return;}int query(int treeID, int treeL, int treeR, int index){if(lazy[treeID] != 0){tree[treeID] = max(tree[treeID], lazy[treeID]); // maxif(treeL != treeR){lazy[2 * treeID + 1] = max(lazy[treeID], lazy[2 * treeID + 1]); // maxlazy[2 * treeID + 2] = max(lazy[treeID], lazy[2 * treeID + 2]); // max}lazy[treeID] = 0;}if(treeL == treeR){assert(treeL == index);return tree[treeID];}int mid = (treeL + treeR) / 2;if(index <= mid)return query(2 * treeID + 1, treeL, mid, index);return query(2 * treeID + 2, mid + 1, treeR, index);}};class Solution {public:vector<pair<int, int>> getSkyline(vector<vector<int>>& buildings) {// Coordinate compressionset<int> unique_points;for(const vector<int>& info: buildings){unique_points.insert(info[0]);unique_points.insert(info[1]-1);unique_points.insert(info[1]);}unordered_map<int, int> indexes;vector<int> pos;for(int p: unique_points){indexes[p] = pos.size();pos.push_back(p);}// segment treeSegmentTree stree(pos.size());for(const vector<int>& info: buildings)stree.add(indexes[info[0]], indexes[info[1]-1], info[2]);// get resultsvector<pair<int, int>> res;unique_points.clear();for(const vector<int>& info: buildings){unique_points.insert(info[0]);unique_points.insert(info[1]);}int last = 0;for(int p: unique_points){int h = stree.query(indexes[p]);if(h != last)res.push_back(make_pair(p, h));last = h;}return res;}};int main() {int n = 5;int buildings[5][3] = {{2, 9, 10},{3, 7, 15},{5, 12, 12},{15, 20, 10},{19, 24, 8}};vector<vector<int>> vec;for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)vec.push_back(vector<int>(buildings[i], buildings[i] + 3));vector<pair<int, int>> res = Solution().getSkyline(vec);for(pair<int, int> p: res)cout << p.first << " " << p.second << endl;return 0;}